
Friday, 30 November 2018

Quail Island...

Hey Readers,

Today we went to the Quail Island and that was our first trip. We went to a bus and went to like a ferry place so that you can go to the Island. 

When we went to the Ferry we had a Captain o we won't get lost and he said that we can go outside and check the views. When we got to Quail Island, We went hiking and had ate our morning tea. After we had our morning tea, we left our bags to a safe place and continue our hiking.

When we are half way to so of the mountains, some of our teachers told us some History in the Island it was pretty scary there because we saw a graveyard in the mountains.

When it was our lunch we went back to the place where our bags were and ate our lunch.  We went to play after we eat and we deep our feet to the ocean and find some rocks that we can bring home. After we play, we went back to ferry and we to the bus again and went back to our school. 

Here is some of the pictures!

Thank you for reading this blog post, have a great day bye!

Wednesday, 28 November 2018


Mabuhay Bloggers, Family's, Friends and Followers/Readers,

Today I am posting about my Reading, what we have been doing in my reading with Misses T is about Arnie Armadillo. 
I have learn what happen to him and we made a copy of the slide and answer the questions by using the questions. 

Here is my Google Drawing and My Slide:

Thank you for reading my blog post, Have a wonderful day, Bye!

SLJ Last Lesson...

Mabuhay Bloggers, Family's, Friends and Followers/Readers,

Today is the last day of our SLJ Practice, We have to make a slideshow or a Google Drawing. I chose Slideshow because it's much more easier to tell what you have learnt.

We went to a google doc and there is some links that is attached to our country. My country is Canada and I clicked Canada and I chose a famous place in Canada which was the Lake Louise. I have to search facts about the Lake Louise. Then I made three more which is the " Petronas Towers in Malaysia, Himeji Castle in Japan and the Great Barriers Reef in Australia".

Here is my Slideshow: 

Check out this link:

SLJ Last Lesson...

Thank You for reading this blog post, Have a great day Bye!!

Monday, 26 November 2018

Next Up Is EOTC Week!!!!

Kia Ora Readers,

Guess What??? This week and next week we have " EOTC week!!! " if you don't know what that stands for it's ( Education Outside The Classroom) I can wait guys!. It's on Thursday, Friday and Monday and Tuesday.

On this Thursday, we are going to " Quail Island " maybe we are gonna swim there and take lots of pictures too! Then on Friday, we are going to do Surfing, we will learn how to surf. Next week on Monday we are going to go to Adrenaline Forest in Spencer Park and that actives looks like scary and interesting!.

 On Tuesday next week, we are going to Jelly Park and Ice skating, but then out teacher said that we are just going to the Halswell pool because there was some problems in the Jelly park so our teachers just change it to Halswell Pool and Ice Skating. 

I'm so excited for the EOTC week!!!. I will give you guys some update to our EOTC week in the next blog post okay?

Thank you for reading this bog post, God Bless All. Bye.

Summer Learning Journey Lesson Four...

Hello Bloggers, Readers, Followers and Friends,

Today I will be carrying on in my Summer Learning Journey. In the " SLJ " we are gonna watch a video but it is from the that we had chose from Lesson One.

Here are some of the Notes that had happen to the video.


The Title of the video is " Caillou ".
The story is " Caillou's Favourite Plate ".
All the Main Characters are Caillou,his Mum, His Cat " Gilbert and his little sister " Rosie" and His Dad.
The part about was that Rosie took Caillou's favourite plate but his Dad gave the plate to Caillou.
My favourite part of the Episode is when Rosie had found Caillou's favourite plate.
What part I don't like in the full Episode is when Caillou can't find his favourite plate.
I will rate it 5 out of 5.

This is a video link if you want to know more about it.

Here is a photo of it.

Thank You For Reading this blog post, Bye!

First World War In New Zealand

W.A.L.T: Read information and then re-write the important parts in our own words.

Hello Readers, today in reading we are writing about the armistice that ended in the First World War in 1918. 

This is the paragraphs about what I have read.

" On 11am on 11 November this year, Aotearoa New Zealand. On that 100 years ago, after 4 years of brutal conflict war finally gave away to peace. ".

This is my own one.

On 11:00 am, in the 11th of November this year, the Aotearoa had marked the armistice that ended the First World War in 1918.

If you want to read what had happen to the First world War, here is the link:

Than you for commenting on my blog post, Don't forget to comment a " Helpful, Toughtful and Positive Comment"

Thursday, 22 November 2018

What A Fun Day!!!

Hello Bloggers and Friends,

Today at school in the afternoon we had fun day. I have chose my activities that I want, it is the  Ball Rush from the Health Team and we had fun playing different kinds of games like " Ball Rush, Octopus and Soccer.

When we are on the way to my class, we saw the CANTERBURY RAMS!!! and I let them sign both of my hand and I was so amazed and happy that I got to sign them on both of my hand. When we got back at our class I saw some of my friends had lots and lots of sign in their T - Shirt because it was also MUFTI - day.

Here is some of the pictures!!!

Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Comment if you like CANTERBURY RAMS!!!! 

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Writing T4

Hello Bloggers and Friends,

Today this morning in my Writing we wrote about SpyFox.

My goal is to use talking in my Writing.
My Next Step: I need a character to say something.
I'm done writing the story of it.
Here is my Writing about the SpyFox.

Thank You for reading this blog post, Byee.


W.A.L.T design and recreate the food packaging that will reduce waste. 

Hello Readers, today in our Topic time we did "Technology" and we were talking about all of the plastic that can't recycle anymore. And we have one problem together, and here is our problem.

This is our problem together: All the company's that were all making in their packaging was made out of plastic like Ziploc Bags, Plastic Containers, Plastic Bags and more.

Now we re gonna recreate the plastic into a recycled one. I am gonna recreate a Ziploc bag. We made our own planning for our design and we must have to complete this task until the end of term. We had a choice to plan in a google drawing or in a paper, I chose the paper so it's easy to plan and put in our own ideas.

I took a picture of it.

Can I have a feedback about my design?

What materials should I have?

Do you like my plan?

Here is the Drawing that I made.

Here are one of the fact from Wikipedia: Ziploc is a brand of a reusable zipper storage bags and containers originally developed and test marketed.

Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Byee!

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Christmas In New Zealand!!!

Hey Readers,

Today after we ate breakfast and took a shower we went to the Westfield Mall to buy a Christmas Tree, because we don't have a Christmas tree in New Zealand and this was the first time we're celebrating Christmas in New Zealand, and I was super duper excited to decorate it.

We went to K-mart and look for a Christmas Tree and some ornaments for our Christmas Tree. After we had chose our Christmas Tree, we pick out some of the ornaments for the Christmas tree. We got some pretty nice ones, and we even got different kind of size too!

Then we went to look around for more ornaments, and look for some Christmas lights too. Then we went to the check out to pay it but before that my Dad got 2 big Santa Claus and 2 small Santa Plush. And we dressed some of my parents wine with the wine costume. Then my Mum pay our stuff and went home.

When we got home, at night before and after dinner they set up the Christmas Tree and when they were done putting all the ornaments, m Dad took a photo of me in a Christmas Tree. Then they took a rest and I went to bed.

Here are some of the pictures.🎄🎄🎄

Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bess All. MERRY CHRISTMAS! 

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Best Day Ever Part 3!!!

Hey Readers,

Yesterday, when I woke up, I wash my face and drink milk because me and my Dad will go crabing with my friends.

When my friends were at our house, we had a ride with them. When we reached to a place that you can do crabing and fishing we look at some people who were surfing. Then we stated to get bored there. When it was 1:00 pm, we went home because later we will be going to Timezone, so we went home and eat our lunch then I took a shower and got change. 

When we were all ready, we got in the car and went to Timezone, but we went to some other shops first because my friends were on their way there too. When my friends was there, we went inside the Timezone, we had a card that's free. We play different kinds of games there, and we played together there.

When it was 7pm we went home first and bring our food to my fried's house. And I also took my jacket with me because it was getting cold outside, we got in the car and went to my friend's house to have a boodle fight there. After we had boodle fight we play in the 4J's room.  

After we play we ate Ice Cream in a cone and we had fun playing together. When it was 11pm we went home because it was getting dark. When we got home I took a shower and I brushed my teeth. Then we went to bed.

Here are some of the pictures.

Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Buddy Class!!!

Kia Ora everyone,

Today we are doing buddy class. My buddy is Taya, she is from Room 8, her Teacher is Mrs. Harris. Taya is awesome because she does the right thing and she is listening to her teacher's instructions and my instructions. Taya loves to do Writing and she likes to do colour in at her house. 

Thank you for reading my blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Universal Studio in Singapore!!!

Bonjour Everyone,

In Singapore there a lot of fun things to do!

My family always go to the Universal Studio to spend time together. Sometimes we go there because there were some new events there. And sometimes we go to some of the rides there! Like Roller coasters and more! 

At the end of the day, we usually go to some of the stores and buy some souvenirs so that we can remember that time. And we took some picture of the Globe and below it there were some water that is in the bottom of the Glob, and it was fun to play with it. Me and my family, always took a picture there so we can send it to our relatives

Here are some of the Pictures.🌍🌍🌍

Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Should We Share our Private Information to Strangers???

Kia Ora Readers,

Today I am going to tel you why we should not tell our private information to some one you don't know. 

Here are some tips for you to not share you information!

Tip 1: When you see a stranger you should not talk to him/her!

Tip 2: You should not post a picture of you at the " Bathroom, your room, in front of your house and also your pets." Because if you too a picture of you pets, one day when they saw a pet, they will remember the owner of it. Some people maybe just took it and some people gave it back to the owner. 

Tip 3: Don't give your address of your house because if you post it online, they will come at your house.

Tip 4: If you told your birthday date to a stranger, when it's your birthday, they will come to your party.

Tip 5: Don't ever give your email unless if they need something that you have to send!

Those are some of the Tips for you so when you see a starnger coming DO NOT EVER give your private information's! You can share it but not in social media! And you share it only to who you can trust!

Here is own D.L.O about it.

Have you learn what you should not do on the Social Media?

Thank You for reading my blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Number Line D.L.O...

Bonjour Everyone,

Today I am going to show you my Maths D.L.O. In my Maths group, we did a Maths D.L.O about our Number Line, when I was doing it, I was excited to make it so I come up with an question and I put my number line and I put the final answer in. I used a tidy number to make it easier for my to find out the answer of the question. I plus the 335 and the 5 to make 340 then I also plus 340 and 40 then the answer was 400. So I plus the 40 and 5 then it makes it 45 so that's the answer of the question.

Here is a photo of it.

I know it was a little short but thank you for reading my blog post and God Bless All. Byee.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Best day Part 2...

Hey readers,

Yesterday my Mum said to clean our house because my friends are coming at lunchtime, then when I finish cleaning the house I took a shower and got change, me and my family waited for them.

A couple minutes later my Dad text my friends family that why are they not here yet, and they reply back and said that they got a little lost but they are their way.

Then my friends had finally came and first we play in my room then we eat lunch in my room and we watched the "Seven Super Girls". After we eat we went outside and play volleyball. After we play, we went inside because it was getting darker outside but while we re inside we eat dinner and my friends like the food that my Mum cook.

After we eat all us kids play hide and seek then we ate ICE CREAM!!!. Me and my friends took both of the flavour and it was very yummy! Then all of us played hide and seek and it was boys vs girls we play util they go home...

It was so sad that they go home because we were not yet done playing the game so they went home an I took a shower and got into my home clothes and we went to bed.

Here were some of the pictures...


Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Friday, 9 November 2018

I would Like to be a Trusted Trekker at Hornby Primary School...

Bonjour Les Lectecurs (Readers),

Today I am going to tell you why I wanted to be a Trusted Trekker. 

Because in the morning me and my friend Lhysette, is a Trusted Trekker and every morning we have one job, is that we have to put up the school flags and put it in front of the office.

I wish I could be a wonderful Trusted Trekker!

Tell me in the comments if you are a Trusted Trekker?

Salut for reading my blog post today and have a wonderful weekend. God Bless All. Bye. 

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Christmas Choir Practise...

Bonjour Everyone, 

Today at school before we go home and the bell rings, every Thursday, me and my friends go to Choir. And our Choir teacher is the lovely Miss D, she teaches us some high level songs too, but today Miss D said Christmas is coming, so we learnt 2 new songs today, it is " Summer Wonderland and  Christmas in New Zealand ". After we learn those 2 songs, we sing some of our old songs that we sing every choir lesson. When we are being good, until the end of the day, some teachers will call your name but not all of the children. When we be good and call our name we got to take one candy. 

I always had fun when some of the Ukuleles play the Ukulele with Miss D. And I love going to choir every Thursday. Sorry but I have no pictures of us singing. 

Tell me in the comments:

Have you been to Choir at your school?

Did you go to the Kids for Kids anthem?

How does it feel when you are in the concert?

Do you feel excited when you have Choir?

What is the feeling if you are a soloist?

Would you like to a soloist at Choir?

Salut for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Ukulele Practise...

Hey Readers,

Today I am going to tell you about my Ukulele Practise at my school. I have join a Ukulele class at school, and my teacher in Ukulele class is Miss D she teaches us Ukulele. We have Ukulele Practise every Tuesday and Wednesday. 

For the beginners she start some easy chords first when we had practise it, we go to some other songs like "This is me and Take it easy". But this Term, we are practising how to play some Christmas, like " Jingle Bells and Santa is coming to town".  But now we are practising some of the chords for our Choir. Sometimes it is hard play the chords because the music was too fast but first we didn't play the music first, Miss D teach us the chords first then we can play it properly. My task next time is to practise more Christmas songs and also some other songs that I don't know yet with Miss D and after I have learnt it, when it's a special day I can play the song that I know. 

If you are a beginners, and you have a Ukulele, and you don't know how to play it, here is some tips for you.

Tip 1: Go search up " Ukulele Chords" and you will find some pictures.

Tip 2: You can go to images and learnt the chords from the picture or go to the videos and you can see some tutorial s there.

Tip 3: Or you can just go to YouTube and search Ukulele tutorials and you can see some easy chords.

Tip 4: If you saw some easy chord, get your Ukulele and follow the chords.

Tip 5: If you want to try some songs like Happy birthday, go to YouTube and search it up.

When I was looking for some tutorials, I saw an easy one. If you want to watch and learn, here is the link.

Link, Easy Tutorials for the beginners.

Here are some of the easiest chord pictures. 🕮🕮🕮

Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Genius Hour Drawing

Genius Hour Drawing 

  1. Hi welcome back, I am going to tell you about my Genius Hour just now. Just now morning we did our own folders then we draw with pencil and charcoals.We had so much fun with the charcoals and a little messy in our little fingers because we tap our fingers to the charcoal.In the drawing group  we made our  own practise folders.It means that  if you practise  to draw you can put it to your folder.
Here is the Picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!↴

Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Byeee.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

The Author of ( Diary of the Wimpy Kid)

Ni Hao Followers,

Today I am going to tell you some facts about Jeff Kinney. He is one of my favourite Authors, and the book that he writes is about the "Diary of the Wimpy Kid".

Here is a little bit about him, if you don't really know anything about him. 📕📕📕

He is an American cartoonist in America, he is an producer and author of children's books, including the Diary of the Wimpy Kid book series. He also assign the creator of the child-oriented website called "Poptropica".

Jeff Kinney didn't grow up wanting to be a children's author. His dream was able to become a newspaper cartoonist, but he wasn't able to get his comic strips syndicated. The first Diary of the Wimpy Kid book was published on 2007, and he became an instant bestseller.

Here is some of the pictures of Jeff Kinney.

I hope you learnt something new about Jeff Kinney.
Tell me in the comments below, how many Diary of the Wimpy Kid do you have? And I hope you have read the whole series because I had read all the books of Jeff Kinney. And please also comment who is your favourite Author? 

Thank You for reading this blog post and God Bless All. Bye./

Monday, 5 November 2018

Reading my Little Brother a Book!!!

Hola Readers,

 Every Night, before my little brother sleep, me or my Mum read him his Bible book and we read him one or two chapters of the Bible book but for me, yesterday night, I read him 4 chapters. And my little brother had really enjoy reading the Bible book for kids. And he said it was fun to read the Bible book. After we read him a book, he went to bed and I take toothbrush and I went to bed early because I had school school tomorrow. 

But when it is the weekend, sometimes we don't read him a book because he stay up late when it was the weekend. And when me and my little brother had nothing to do, I always read him my book which is also Bible. When I read him a couple of hours he got sleepy and went to bed, that means he is tired of playing basketball.

Here are some of the photos of the book that I read to my little brother.📕📕📕

Thank You for reading this blog post and I hope you enjoy it! God Bless All. Bye.