
Saturday, 30 March 2019

Playground at Oumaru!

Kia Ora everyone!

During our amazing trips we went to a playground at Oumaru and it was a huge playground and do you know that beside it there was a little mini road for kids to ride their bike and scooters!

Me and my friend Josh went and bring our scooters so that we could play on the mini little road, while my parents and Josh's Mum went to look around in the Art Gallery. Josh's Dad and my little brother, went to the playground because he still doesn't know how to ride a bike or a scooter yet.

After a few minutes pasted, we put our scooters back to the car and we all went to the huge playground and we played there for an hour, then when our parents came, we ate our lunch at a small cafe. I got a " 6 pieces nuggets and chips ". And this is the picture of my food. It only looks similar to it.

Then after we ate we went to our next trip, but before we go, we took so really awesome pictures!

Here are some of our awesome pictures!

Thank you for reading my blog post and please give me some of your awesome feedback, and Byeee!

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Slip and Slide Sunday!

Hello readers,

Last Sunday, we got a chance to play at the backyard of our family friend at Timaru.

When we woke up, I am not sure what will be our activity to do.
We  ate breakfast and play at the living room. But we didn't know that Josh dad set up a Slip and Slide at their garden.

It's our first time to play that's why I am very excited. My Dad help to put water and arrange properly the slip and slide. My brother so excited and he removed his clothes immediately. We do not have togs that's why I just wear my normal home clothes but my brother borrowed from Josh togs.

When the set up is okay we start playing the water. It's very fun running,jumping and sliding!

Here are some of the pictures!

Thank you for reading my blog post and have a great day!

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Next Location... Elephant Rocks!

Kia Ora everyone!

Today,I would like to share with you about Elephant Rocks in Oumaru.

After our Riverstone Castle visit we went to Elephant Rocks. It amazed me when I saw the huge rocks and it shapes!

Some looks like really an Elephant,some like whale and some like rabbit!

My Dad help me go up to the top of the rocks and of course take photo. It seems we are on the top of the world.There's some sheep on the area but less people visiting the place. Me and my friend, Josh had time to run and play a bit at Elephant Rocks.

Here are some of the pictures that we have taken!

Thanks for reading and also don't forget to give me some of your feedback!

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Moeraki Boulders!

Hi Readers,

Our next stop is Moeraki Boulders.

It’s was a really awesome day!

After our Riverstone Castle adventure our next stop is Moeraki Boulders. It’s a large rocks that lying on the stretch of the beach. Coloured grey and greenish.

It’s very cold there and a lot of tourist visiting the place. Me and my family take photos, play around the sand. It’s very relaxing and fun to play with those rocks.

Some people also having swimming on the beach. But I can’t do that because it’s too cold for me.

Here are some of the pictures we took!

Thank you for reading my blog post and have a great day and also make sure you give me some amazing feedback and questions!

Weekly Words Part 6!

Kia Ora everyone!

This is part 6 of my Weekly Words!

The words for the day today is, Mayhem! It sounds so interesting right?

 If you want to know the definition, the examples and also my sentence checkout this picture and also the link of it here! You could see my other new words too!

Thank you for reading my blog post and have a great day! Also don't forget to give me some feedback!

Monday, 25 March 2019

Riverstone Castle!

Hello Readers!

I would like to share with you about our visit at the castle. Riverstone Castle is at Oamaru and we went there with Josh's family. Like in fairytales,the castle is a very huge and nice house. I thought castle is only in books and children stories. But in Oamaru it's true!

Around the castle is a big and beautiful garden. Different kinds of flowers,fruit trees and vegetables are there.
There is a gift shop, restaurant and children playground as well. We enjoy playing at the playground!

It's a very relaxing and beautiful place.

Here are some of the pictures from the Riverstone Castle!

Thank you for reading my blog post and have a great day!

Sunday, 24 March 2019

My Trip To Timaru!

Kia Ora everyone!

This weekend, we went to Timaru and stayed over to my friend Josh's house!

We had a 1 hour and 15 minute drive to Timaru. When we got there we ate dinner with Josh's family and we ate our food then after we ate, we watched a movie on Netflix which is the Infinity War!  

After the movie we went all to bed because we will go somewhere else tomorrow. 

In the morning, we took a shower get changed bushed our teeth and ate breakfast, we went to my another friend's house in Kurow, it was a very long drive. We had dinner there with my friend Agatha and her family. We also watched the movie Aquaman at her house.

I know I have watched it but my Mum and my little brother has't watched it yet and also my friends, so we watched Aquaman!

After we had watched the movie Aquaman,we had to go back to Josh's house and go to bed because it was late at night. Before we go, me, Agatha and Josh took a photo before we leave their house. 

Here are some of the pictures with my friends Agatha, Josh and also don't forget my little brother!

Thank you for reading my awesome and amazing blog post and have a great week!

Friday, 22 March 2019

Girl's Accesories

Hi Readers,

Today, I would like to tell you about some of my girly stuff😊.

I have no girl sibling so all the accessories is for me.Since I was a baby,my parents always bought for me nice stuff.

I have headbands,ribbons,clips and different colours of rubber bands.
I also have fancy earings,necklaces and bracelets.I love fruit designs on my accessories and something cute.

See some of my cute accessories!

Thank you for reading my awesome blog post!


Hello Readers,

Every Thursday has a lunch club activity at school.You need a gold coin to purchase a sandwich that the committee prepared for kids.

I have packed lunch everyday but when I learn about this lunch club I ask my Mum to give me a dollar so I can try their sandwich.

The sandwhich is a slice of bread with ham and some vegetables like tomatoes and lettuce.I like the taste of it.So I told my parents that if its alright with them I would like to have sandwhich every 

Thank you for reading my blog post!

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Diary Of The Wimpy Kid Chapter 1!

Kia Ora Readers!

I have been reading my Diary of the Wimpy Kid book, The Meltdown!

The first Chapter was about the weather there and Greg, who writes a journal which I am reading, he was in high school and he was so silly when his brother said it was raining outside but when he went out side, it was so hot and do you know he wore 3 jackets and some of the pages had pictures too. He also talks about High School and also his family!

Sorry but I don't have any pictures! Thank you for reading my blog post and have a great day!

Monday, 18 March 2019

Weekly Words " Parapet "

Kia Ora everyone! How's it going today!

Today I am going to tell you a new word! It is Parapet!

It was a little confusing for me too but when I saw the meaning of it. I also did my examples and my definitions!

Here is my Weekly Words!

Thank you for reading my blog post, have a great day and also don't forget to give me some feedback!

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Movie Marathon Weekend!

Kia Ora everyone!

This weekend,we never go outside. But still, it was fun staying at home with my family.

We just stay at home and have a movie marathon.My mum cooked yummy dish as I share with my blog yesterday.

We watched Power Rangers series at Netflix. My Dad said, they are also watching Power Rangers when they are young, Me and my brother enjoyed watching it.

At night,we watch Harry Potter. I was so amazed on this Harry Potter movie. I hope we can complete watching the series and it's very interesting.

We also watch the Bee movie. I like it but I think it's more on little kids like movie.

Overall it's a fun and happy weekend for me!
I hope you enjoy your weekend as well.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Chicken Rice!

Hi Readers!

Let me tell you about Singapore famous food,chicken rice!

My mum cooked one of my favourite dish in Singapore. It's Chicken rice!!!

Chicken rice ingredients are very simple,it's chicken and rice.
I think how to cook it and the taste makes it popular in Singapore.

How to cook it?

Let me tell you how my Mum do it.
Boil the chicken with ginger,salt and pepper.
After 30 minutes, remove the chicken.
Use the chicken soup to cook the rice to make it tastier.She put some sesame oil as well
to make it fluffy and smell good.

I help my Mum to plate the food for our lunch.We put some cucumber and tomatoes. We got also some dark soy sauce and chilli paste to make it more yummy!

Here are some of the photos.
Happy reading!

Friday, 15 March 2019

My Fabulous Book!

Kia Ora everyone! Welcome back to my awesome blog!

Lately, I have been reading " Diary of the Wimpy Kid ". I love the Diary of the Wimpy Kid series because I had learned and I also had so much fun reading it.


What does it make me think about?

It made me think about how it feels like and how the character is getting in trouble and making silly decisions, and it is also about friendships!

Here is the picture of the book that I am reading!

Thank you for reading my awesome blog post, Please give me some feedback and also have a wonderful day!

Thursday, 14 March 2019

My First Duty!

Today is my first duty as a Road Patroller!

This morning, I was so excited to wake up because it will be my first time to do my road patrol task.
Since year 5, I am hoping to do this task. But they said, this responsibility is only for year 6.
Here it comes!

When the school starts, I already inform my teacher that I wanted to be a road patroller. My teacher said I need to apply for the task. So I immediately filled up the form and attended the training.
Our trainer is Officer Brad of NZ Police. I had learned much from him. All the tips, do’s and don’ts.

I did my duty at 3pm today. I feel awesome doing the task. I love helping my schoolmates to cross the road Safely!

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

My Brother Surprised Me!

Kia Ora everyone!

Today, I would like to tell you about my little brother thoughtfulness.

Yesterday morning during our breakfast he asked me what drawing I want him to do for me
I thought he was just joking me.
So I just say that I like to have a drawing of a house.

But in my surprise, he hand me a piece of paper after our school. When I opened, it’s a sketch of a house 😊
He is so sweet and I am very touched of his thoughtfulness. He is only four years old and he loves to draw.

Here is the photo.

Thank you for reading my blog post have a great day!

Crusaders Souvenirs!

Kia Ora everyone!

It was our first time to watch Crusader’s team.

We want to have some souvenirs for remembrance.
My family bought some stuff like beanie, hat, scarf and pin for my collections! We also got some free flags at the event.

After the game, we are so lucky to have a meet and greet with the awesome players! They also put their signatures to our cap and flags! Also, we also have photos with them!

The Crusader's player are very nice with their fans. They still say Hi and Hello with the Crusaders fans even they are very tired at their game. A lot of Crusaders fans are having a good time with them.

Here are some of the photos of my souvenirs and happy reading!

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

My Awesome Pin Collection!

Today, I would like to share with you about my pin collection.

Every trip we have, I tried to have some souvenirs for me to keep. I think some souvenirs that will be easy for me to keep and not space consuming.
So I decided to collect some pins.

I have pins from Orana Zoo, Air force Museum, Mt. Hutt, Mt. Cook, a Pokemon and a Crusaders one!
I collect and put it on a cap so it’s nice to see and tidy.

It’s fun to collect of pins, I got a Kiwi Fern from the Air Force Museum and also a cute Kiwi! I also got a peacock pin from the Orana Zoo. The Pokemon one is from the Philippines. The Crusaders one is from the Crusaders game on Saturday!

Having this pin makes me remember the place that we visited.

Here’s the photo of my pins 😊

My Fabulous Art!!

Kia Ora everyone!

We have been doing our art!

We started our art during the start of the term. Before we get to do our art, we put some tape on it but remember put it in the carpet then take it out because if you just put it in your paper and when you have finished your art, and you will take it out, it will rip off easily.

Then after we put our tape we plan what we are going to to our paper. So after that, it's time to get started!!! 

I did a galaxy, a salt, a water colour sunset, a glad wrap trick and a masking tape trick and it was so fun when you do every techniques! Here is my art!

Thank you for reading my fabulous blog post for today! Please leave a comment what you think of my Art!!!

Monday, 11 March 2019

Hello Hornby!

Hello Hornby!

Hornby primary school joined the Hello Hornby last Saturday. It was a community event. A lot of activities at Wycola Park.
It’s just nearby our house,so my family and I just walk to the event.

Our school choir performed at the event. I am part of the choir.
We sang 3 songs, namely: Te Aroha,Million Dreams and Hallelujah.
All the kids are awesome thanks for Ms.D for always guiding and teaching us to perform.

After the performance, we enjoy all the activities at the park. We play the archery, my Dad teach me how to play it. I am not that good for that game but at least I tried. My brother also enjoy riding the car race with my Mum. When we are hungry,we get some sausage sizzle which is free from the event. I ate 2 pieces of it!It’s very hot and yummy sausages.

It’s indeed a good event. Thanks for Hornby Community for arranging such a fun activity for the family!

Thank you for reading!

The Crusaders Game!!

Hi Reader’s

Today, I would like to tell you about my experience watching RUGBY game!

Last Friday, my father surprised us with a tickets to watch rugby game. It’s a Crusaders against Chief.

Me and my family is very excited because it is our first time to watch live the Rugby game here at New Zealand.

We came early at the stadium, so we walk around first and take some photos. We got a crusaders flag and somebody put us paint in our face to show appreciation with the Crusader’s team.
The face paint is read and black. I think that’s the Crusaders colour.

After taking photos, we went to our seats. We are at door number 22, our seats is just perfect view to clearly see the game. It’s amaze me how the people support Crusader’s team. Some of them are very old already, they don’t mind the cool weather and how high to go up the stairs!
It’s a cool crowd and I really enjoy the game. We bought some snack to eat  while watching the game. At Halftime, there was a helicopter and we saw Mr.KFC on it! He gave away some KFC food and balls. But we are not lucky to get some but it’s alright.

The game is very intense. The players are very aggressive and they are very strong. Seeing them running and rolling at the ground excite me. I admire how they play the game, they are very good team player. All the hard work paid off because they won the game!All the crowd are very happy.
We manage to go to the ground with players and took some photos with them.
It’s very awesome experience.

Here are some of the photos!!!

Thank you for reading!

Friday, 8 March 2019

Our Amazing Choir!!!

Kia Ora everyone!

Every Thursday, we choir at the gym and our choir teacher is the lovely Miss D. Miss D also have some Ukuleles for choir and I am in Ukulele team.

If you guys are going to Hello Hornby, you will see us singing there!

We are practising to sing for the Hello Hornby performance. If you guys don't know what is choir, choir means that you are going to sing and join the Kids for Kids Anthem and the Horncastle Arena!

And if you Respect and Having fun and also singing, she will give you a necklace and after choir she will give you a small candy and that candy is called Sherbet so that is our treat if we follow the rules of the choir and Miss D don't want to see you sad she wants you to be AWESOME!!!!

Here are some of the songs that we have been practising!

He honore


On to of Spaghetti

Te Aroha

Million Dreams

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!

Our Amazing and Enjoyable Marble Day!!!

Kia Ora Everyone! How's it going?

Today at school we did our Marble Day!

What is Marble Day?

Marble Day is when my class, Room 6 earns a 100 marbles and if we get a 100 marbles in the jar, we get to do anything but only our class gets to do it. So for this Marble day, our class did Baking and there is 3 types of recipes that we are doing today! 

What kind of recipes?

There is the Sherbets group which is like you will have 4 versions of it and you can get to taste it and in the end you get to put it into a bowl then you could decorate your Sherbet, then at the end, our teacher Miss D, could taste test it!

The second ones are cupcakes, it was a Vanilla cupcake and we also get to put any colour of icing we want in our cupcakes and also design it!

The last one was the cakes and the cake was fudge cake and we also could put icing on it then put also an design!

We have to get 4 people in a group then a group choose one recipe that they will work and enjoy together! My group was Nevaeh, Mea, Rheanne and also me! So my group decided to do cupcakes! 

So first we wash our hands then clean our table, then we got started and we get our ingredients then we read out the instructions. When we have got everything that we need, we made the batter of the cupcake. and we put a little blue food colouring in and then swirl in the the batter so that when it is in the cupcake tray with the plastic cups for the cupcake batter, it was going to be in the oven for 15 minutes. 

While waiting for it to bake,  we made the icings for the cupcakes Mea made a very light pink icing then Rheanne made a teal icing and Nevaeh was making a sky blue icing and I did a pinkish reddish colour and when our cupcakes were finished in the oven, we put our colourful icings into our cupcakes then we put some sprinkles on it!

My first icing was a purple one but it was liquid so when it tried it, I wipe the purple icing in the cupcake then it has a circle purple on the cupcake but l still have my pinkish reddish icing and when I put in, it was amazing, and my teacher Miss D, tested something in my cupcake but it didn't work so what I just do was spread the icing slowly and it became a galaxy kind of colour then after that I added some stars to make it the one that I liked and when I show it to Miss D, she was amazed and lots of my friends were so amazed of the cupcake because they didn't know how creative I am. 

Then all of the groups put their cupcakes, cake and Sherbets into a table then we took a photo of it and also a photo of us with our recipes. And after we took a picture Miss D said my cupcake was stunning because it was fail to fantastic and when it was home time I brought my cupcakes home and also for the cakes they have to cut it into pieces so that all of the group could have a piece of cake to bring home. Sorry everyone Miss D hasn't upload the picture yet!

Thank you my awesome readers for reading my blog post and have a great day everyone!!😊😊😊