
Friday, 31 May 2019

Our Earth Science Experiment!

                    WALT - Minerals and Rocks- Earth Science

Talofa everyone and again happy Samoan Language Week!

Welcome back to a new blog post! Today as you can see from the WALT and the Title!
So I'm going to tell you how we make our sedimentary rocks before we broke it. There was three ingredients that you need, and it's water, sand, and  plaster of Paris ( Chalk Limestone ) that's all you need!

Miss D had to mix it together and then we put it to a Cardboard bowl and then put the first layer of it. When it was the next day Miss D made another batch but she put a food colouring so at the end we can see the layers of it. After we put the other layers, we put shells and rocks. We filled up our cardboard bowl, we left it for I think more than a week! 

This week on Monday we had to be in partners and my partner is Jhrnylle, we did a video of dropping our sedimentary rocks and it was kind of messy when you dropped it. 

We had to drop it because we could see the layer and the fossils that we have put in. One thing that I realise that the food colouring is like you can't see it and it has disappear! I was also sad because we had to drop it.

So here is the amazing and funny video!!

Question 1: Do you want to this kind of experiment?

Question 2: Do you like Science?

Question 3: What do you think of the video?

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day bye! And also please comment on this blog after you read it now BYEEEE!😃😃😃

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Computational Thinking with Miss Morgan!

Kia Ora everyone!

This afternoon me,Jhrnylle,Venice,Aaron and Tory went to the Library. 

I was so scared because I think I was getting it trouble but when we went to library, we saw Miss Morgan. So first, we made instructions of how to make a toasted bread. When we were done doing the instructions, Miss Morgan and our partners we went to the kitchen and me and my partner. 

We gave the instructions to Miss Morgan and the first try we kind of fail but the second try we nailed it! After we do that we did a Lego competition so my partner gave me the instructions and I was so confused but we still tried. 

Here are some of the amazing photos the we had!

Thank you for reading this amazing blog post and I really want to thank Miss Morgan for hanging out with us this afternoon!

Thursday, 16 May 2019


Kamusta everyone!

Welcome back to another blog post!

Today my word of the day is Concoction! It's a very interesting word and it's hard for me to pronounce it, what about you could you say it?

Here is the link of the dictionary!

Thank you for reading this amazing blog post and have a great time!

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

My Amazing Birthday Cake!

Hi Readers!

Today,I would like to share with you about my birthday cake.

On May 8th, my parents surprised me with a happy birthday song and a cake. I was very happy because I do not have any idea that they prepare a cake for me since it's very early morning and a school day. I also thought that my celebration will be on Saturday so I was thinking that I do not have a cake on the day itself.

My parents said, I will not have cake on Saturday because I have one already during my birthday. But they surprised me again! My Dad asked me to come with him to buy some stuff for my birthday at Pak n Save. I had noticed that we went to the other way. I asked him where we going and he just smile at me.

He go down from the car and get some piece of big box and handed to me. I open it and I was speechless. It's a Wonder woman cake! I was very happy and thankful to my parents!

Here are some of the pictures!

Happy Reading and don't forget to comment n this blog post and have a marvellous day bye!


Kia Ora everyone!

Welcome back for another blog post! Today I am going to share you a new and interesting word called, Monotonous!
Could you say it?

Monotonous is when you have heard the story a hundred times! For example : I have heard about the story called " Cinderella" a hundred times already!

That is the meaning of the word Monotonous!

Thank you for reading my blog post and don't forget to comment on this blog post and have a great and marvellous day!

Monday, 13 May 2019

Birthday Party!

Hi Reader's,

I hope everyone has a good weekend. For me,I have a great weekend indeed!

It was my 10th birthday celebration last Saturday. I was very happy and delighted for having a loving and caring parents.

They arrange and prepare a birthday party for me. My dad prepare the decorations and table set up. I help him to make a balloons and put some paper decorations.

My mum is in charge in the kitchen. She prepare and cook delicious meal for our friends. She cook macaroni pasta,roast lamb and most of Filipino dishes!Our friend from Timaru also brought some food like the Filipino style noodles,we called it "palabok".

My parents also has a big surprise for me,it's the wonder woman cake! At 4pm,the visitor starts coming to our house and celebrate with us my birthday!It's an amazing day.

Happy reading!

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Harold Challenge!

Kia Ora everyone!

Today I am going to show you my Harold Challenge from a Google Drawing.

In the afternoons, we did a challenge and there was a lot of questions in the challenge. I will give you some of the questions that were in the Challenge!

Question 1, What are you? I am mix of a Golden Retriever and a Beaver. 

Question 2, What three words that describes you? I think I am flexible, creative and helpful

Thank you for reading my blog post and have a great day!

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Last day with Harold the Giraffe!

Hello everyone!

Today first ting in the morning we saw the lovely Harold the Giraffe!

Today was the last day that we will learn with him and I was so sad but I still have fun. We also had a disco party at the end. 

We played a game called down and up, which means when Siobhan said down, we have to look down at our shoes when she said up you look around to a friend and if they don't look at you you're not out but if the other person looks at you, you are out!

Here are some of the pictures and Happy Reading!