
Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Weekly Basketball for Girls!!!

Hey Followers,

Every Wednesday after school me and my friends went to a basketball practice. It started on the 12th of September so we went to join the basketball practice. Our coach was from the Canterbury Rams. For today our coach was Ashleigh and Michael. And before we start doing some learning in basketball we had to warm up by playing (In and Out). 

When we finish warming up we did a box dribble around us. Then we have two groups and the first group was in the right and the other group was at the left we learnt how shoot the ball in a proper way. Then when it is 4:00, my Dad and my little brother went to the gym and watch me play basketball then we play Golden Child.

After we had finish the game, I call out the team for the day and I said granny! And we said GRANNY! Then our session with the Canterbury Rams was finished and we went all home. 

I would really like to practice more skill in basketball especially how to shoot and dribble properly. I'm always excited every Wednesday. Because its basketball practice day! Our family loves basketball so much and every Sunday, I always join my Dad to watch his basketball game together with his friends.

Here are some of the pictures of me in the basketball practice.

Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

New Car!!!

Kia Ora Readers,

On Monday, My dad said that we are going to change our car to a smaller car for my mum use. And our big car (Toretto) is going to be back to where he was. When it was the last day with Toretto, I was so upset that we are going to change him into a smaller one and I cried.

It was after school my when my dad said that we are going to change Toretto. And I got very upset on that time. And when we got our new car I got so surprised and we took a ride of it the next day. My dad asked what should we name it? Then we searched up in google and my dad search " The Fast and the Furious ". My dad said what if we named it Leticia or Letty aka Mrs. Alpha. 

Our family is a big fan of the Fast and the Furious movies. We like all the cast, from Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), Paul Walker-RIP (Brian O' Conner), Leticia Ortiz (Michelle Rodriguez) and Mia Toretto (Jordana Brewster). But me I like Gisele Yashar (Gal Gadot) who played the role of Wonder Woman also. That's why we decided to use Leticia as our new car name.

Then the next day, we went to school with Leticia and I was so happy with my new car too. Hopefully soon we can get car for my Dad. The car name will remain Toretto. 

Here are some of the pictures.😃😃😃

Thank you for reading my blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Monday, 29 October 2018

Filipino Food...

Hey Readers,

On Sunday, My Dad had two games in basketball and I said that I will go with him, so we ate lunch and after we ate our lunch, we took a shower. When we are all ready to go, we said goodbye to my Mum and my little brother Joakin. Then we went to the car, when we had reach our destination, we went inside and while my Dad is gonna play basketball I made a blog post while he was playing. When the first game had finish he took some rest and he said he will buy some food to eat when he came back he bought some Filipino food and it was Palabok and Spicy Siomai it was a little exciting to eat the spicy Siomai because it is my first time trying it with spice. So when I tried it my mouth was burning it was very spicy so I drank some Gatorade. When I was full and the food was finished, I went to the toilet to wash my mouth so the spice would be gone. So when we finish eating, my Dad played his second game. 

I really miss the food in Philippines and I had try something new to eat, Here are some of the pictures.😃😃😃

Thank You for reading this blog post. God Bless All. Bye.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Friend's House...

Hey Readers,

Yesterday me and my Dad went to my friend's house. But before we go, my Mum cook some Spaghetti for us to bring to their house. When we got to our destination, we went inside to their house and I saw my friends in the house, before we play we sing some song in the karaoke. We take turns singing and we have to sing by our self. I sing the song ( Marry You) by Bruno Mars. I ha d beat Lhysette and Jhrnylle's score. My score was 96, so I was so happy. And while I was singing my Dad took me some pictures. 

Here are some of the pictures.😃😃😃

Thank You for reading this blog post and have a great day. God Bless All. Bye.

Saturday, 27 October 2018


Hey Readers,

Today this morning when I woke up, I went to the kitchen and drink my milk and went outside and help my Mum do gardening.
We took out some grass from the dirt, while my Mum is taking it out, she puts it beside her and I put them in the green bin.

Before I put them in, I took out some dirt and after I put the dirt back to where they belong. When my Mum took out more I did the same thing like just now. When my Mum was done, she went to the other pile of grass. When we were done gardening, I wash my hands and help my Mum cook lunch for my family.

Here are some of the pictures.😃😃😃

Thank You for reading this blog post, God Bless All. Bye.

Friday, 26 October 2018

Apple Monster!!!

Hey Readers,

Today I made some Apple Monsters for my family. I had that kind of idea from my chef, chef Andy we did it in his kitchen. 

We had:

Apples, we had to cut it in to four pieces, then cut triangle hole for the mouth.

Peanut Butter, I put the peanut butter in the hole and spread it out with the butter knife.

Strawberry, I cut the strawberry and put it in the middle of the peanut butter and it is a tongue.

Sunflower seeds, I put some sunflower seeds for the teeth of the monster.

Circle Sprinkles, I put the circle colourful sprinkles for the eye of the monster.

Then it was done I made a couple more and when I was done making them I put it on a big plate and decorate the plate and when I'm done decorating, I told my parents to take a photo of it so my Dad took a photo of it. 

Here are some of the photos.😃😃😃

That's it for this blog post and have a great weekend! God Bless All. Bye.

SLJ...Part 2

Bonjour Readers,

We have another task in Summer Learning Practice. We have to say hello in our country but I chose Canada, but Canada only speak English and french. Today our task is to go to the airport and fly to Canada, before we leave the airport and go to our hotel in the country we are going we have to study how to say some word that some people speak in Canada, when we know how to say some words from our country, we can fly away to Canada and go to the hotel, then we have to imagine how I might feel if I were sanding in the airport in a foreign country. 

I am learning this three phrases.
Thank you ( Salut )
Hello ( Bonjuor )
Do you speak in English? (  Parlez vous anglais? )
Then Miss Morgan told us what would we feel like if we are in our country. Here is the photo.

I have a question to ask to you.

What is your reaction when you are there?

Would you be happy?

What would you do?

Thank You for reading this blog post and have a great day God Bless All.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Girls Day Out

Hey Readers,

I was so excited when my Mum told me that she will have day off at work to spend time with me for a day. Early morning, I'm happy preparing myself to this day with my Mum. 

Firstly, we went to Westfield Mall. We had our breakfast at "The Coffee Club". I ordered fish and chips for myself and my Mum had her favourite coffee and some toast and bacon. We had our chat during our breakfast. I am very happy that we are talking and laughing. 

Secondly, we decided to watch a movie and she ask me to pick what movie I would like to watch. And I chose the " Goosebumps 2 Hunted Halloween"  I enjoyed the movie with her and eat some snacks inside the movie house. 

Lastly, we went to the parlour to cut my hair. Afterwards, we went to shop some of my favourite stuff like some girl accessories. Of course I ask her to buy some gift for my little brother. Indeed, a very good day with my Mum.

Here are some of the photos.😃😃😃

Thank You for reading this blog post, God Bless All. Bye.

Next Long Trip???

Hey Readers,

I need some suggestions. After we enjoyed our long trip to Kaikoura, we are planning to have another long trip. We've been into Timaru and Kurow before.  On December, we are planning to go to Queenstown. Other than that, no more other places. We are new here to New Zealand and I believed there's a lot of beautiful places nearby to Christchurch. Please give us suggestions. Cheers!

Thank You for reading this blog post, God Bless All. Bye.

My Toy Collections

Hey Readers,

Today I am going to share you some of my toy collections in my room.  When I was small, my only favourite toy is Tweety Bird. Then I started to have Chipmunks, Pokemon, Little Pony, Num Noms, Star Wars and Minions. As I grow old, I started to collect other toys. My first collection is Groot, I saw him at the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I have 4 baby Groot collection in my room, I started to collect them last March this year. For me they look very cute  especially the eyes and his smile. My other collection is Wonder Woman, I started to collect it when the movie came out. I have a few collection here because most of them was shipped in the Philippines before we come to New Zealand. I have a Wonder Woman T -shirt, hoodie and a cap too.   Then I will continue to collect them. So to all my friends, you all know now what gift I want on Christmas, New Year and My Birthday. Hahahaha! How about you, what is your toy collections? Cheers!

Below picture are my toy collections. 😊😊😊

Thank You for reading this blog post, God Bless All. Bye.

SLJ Practice Curious Kiwi is Finding a book to Read

Hello Readers,

Today I am going to share you my learnings in this blog post. It is about the Summer Learning Practice and it is lesson two of it. Our task today is that the curious kiwi is travelling to Canada and when he was at the plane, he was so bored and had nothing to do. So he was looking for his book but it was not there in his bag so that means he forgot his book. So I recommend that the curious kiwi could read the "Diary of the Wimpy Kid (dog days)"  the author of the book is Jeff Kinney, and the colour of the book is colour yellow. 

Thank You for reading this blog post and have a great day bye!

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

A Long Trip with My Friends and our Family

Hey Readers,

Today I am going to share my story about A long trip with my friends and our family. When it was Sunday,when we woke up, we took a shower and got change and my Mum said we were going to go picnic with my friends and their family, So we got to the car and went to my friend's house first then we went to the Queenspark and there was a playground there at the par so went me and my friends got out of the car, we went to the playground for a minute then there was a big,wide river and in the river, there were ducks, we saw a bridge in the middle of the river and the whole family and friends went to the bridge and the view was so amazing we took some pictures together, and when we were going down the bridge, we went to playground and my friends Dad said that we are not eating at the park we were going somewhere else far so we went back to our car and got out of the park but before we went there we had to go to the gas station. Then I told my Mum where we were going to she said we were going to the Kaikoura Mon. 

She said to take a rest or a sleep because it's very far away, a couple minutes, I fall asleep and I was a little tired. Then when I woke up, we were half way in the mountains and all of us stop to a picnic table and we ate our lunch, after we ate our lunch, we went to play for a bit then we all went to our cars and continue the trip. Then I got sleepy again so fall asleep for along time. When I woke up at the car we were there and we saw some sea lions in the south pacific ocean,My Dad's friend told him that we were almost there, when we reach there the friend of my Dad said that it was already gone, but it is okay because we can go check the sea lions out. So we went to the sea lions and they are very cute we took some picture over there too, when we were going to the car we went to the other side of Kaikoura Mon and we went to the toilets and then after we went to a place were the sea lions were but when went there, there was no sea lions but took some pictures too. 

Then we eat dinner beside the playground we took some sea shells and had fun. Then we play at the playground after we eat. When it was getting darker we went home some I sleep because I know it would be a long drive so I just sleep then when I woke up my Mum told me that we left one of my friend in the gasoline station, so we went back to the gasoline station and my friend was there so we went to the high way again and we went home.

Here are some of the Picture

Thank You for reading this blog post, And have a wonderful day bye!

Christchurch Botanic Garden

Hello Readers,

Today I am going to share my story to you. Last Saturday we went to the Botanic Garden.

When we went in the Botanic Garden, we walk a little bit and we saw a playground,some flowers and an ice cream shop. We took some pictures first on the flowers and walk more and I told my Dad to take me a picture of the Cherry Blossom, so he he took me a picture. The Cherry Blossom were very pretty.  Then we went to the ice cream shop and my ice cream flavour is mint chocolate chip with a cone of course.

Then we went to the playground and I play in the money bars and my little brother play n the slide and in the swings. Then we went back home. I wish I could go to some other gardens in New Zealand. 

Here are some picture of me and the Cherry Blossom.

Thank You for reading this blog post, and have a great day! Bye!

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

International Culinary Junior Chef Studio

Hey Readers,

Today I am going to share my story with you about my experience at Junior Chef Competition during Labour day. My Dad saw the advertise at Facebook about the Junior Chef and my Dad send the message thru Facebook some of my previous pictures of my baking. Then after a week, someone from International Culinary Studio message my Dad. They asked my name as they going to publish the selected participants on the next day. And when we got home on the next day, he went to the page of the junior chef competition and when he read it, he saw the winners and he saw my name on it. He didn't tell me yet, he told it when my Mum was home, when he told that I am one of the winners, so I was so excited to go there and I will go live on their Facebook page.

 When I went to bed I was so excited to tell my teachers. When it was the next day I got ready for school and can't wait to tell my teachers. When we reach my school I went inside our classroom  and tell her what happened and went to the Facebook page and saw my name she was so proud that I am in it. My Dad said it not really a competition and they say to just have fun and enjoy it, so when it was Labour day we have no school and the Junior Chef start at 2pm  so I took a shower and got change. My Mum put on my costume and it was a demon it has a headband, a neck bow and a tail. She put me black nail polish and makeup, then I wore red doll shoes.

We went in the car and my Dad drive to the Studio and when we arrive there and I was so excited to go in and I saw some of the kids there too. Before we got started the lady said some instructions, after she said the instructions we met the Chef for the day and he was Chef Andy he was a little bit silly too. 

First we got started at the strawberry ghosts, the Chef said to take one strawberry and dip it in the melted white chocolate and make a little ghost tail, when it was dry, we put dark chocolate eyes and mouth we do three strawberry each. Then we made some pumpkin,heart and bats biscuits. We each have a dough and we have to make it flat and put the any moulder in, the we suppose to have eight biscuits all, so we let them bake first them we move on to the apple monster, we have a sliced apple and the apple has a triangle hole on it, we put peanut butter and smooth it on the hole and we put the eyes on it and  for the teeth is some sunflower seeds the tongue is strawberry slices. 

 Then we made the spiders,we have some oreos and we took out the top of the Oreo and put liquorice and put some white melted chocolate and put the oreo cookie back on top and we put come eyes on it and some edible golden glitter then we decorate our cupcakes any thing we like I try to make a icing swirl but I think I did a great job. Then before we get on to biscuits the chef gave us a certificate after that we did our biscuits first we outline the biscuits then we put the orange or black icing. When we were done we took a photo with Chef Andy. Then we said goodbye. I was very lucky because I had that kind of experience for the first time. I really had fun and one day I wish I could go there again.

Here are some of the pictures!!!

That is Chef Andy.

Thank You for reading this blog post and have a great day bye!!!

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Bonding with my friends...

Hey Readers,

Welcome back to my blog, today I am going to tell you about my bonding with my friends and their families.

In the morning, we went fishing. At first we went near the water, and the water was very big and it made my jogging pants very wet so I just stay at the sun for awhile. Then we play games while our Dads are fishing. We also eat and play "truth or dare game".  We also feed the birds with some bread, then we lay down and take a rest then after we lay down our trip wasn't the end yet! 

We went to my friend's house and go to swimming to their cute pool, while we were swimming the water is freezing cold .While we were having fun at the swimming my family were cooking some food for dinner. My friend's Mum made some popcorn and we ate while we are playing as well. I am so happy spending time with my friends.Then my family came with the food and we ate dinner early so that we can still play.

After awhile, I asked my Mum what they doing and she said that they were ordering pizza and I was so excited and I told to my friends about it. Then the pizza came and we ate, after we ate we play a little more and when my Mum told that it was time to go I was a little upset but we still have fun the whole day. Then we went home and wash face,clean our feet and brush teeth and went to bed.

Here are some of the pictures!!!

Thank you for reading this blog post, and have a great day bye!

Friday, 19 October 2018

SLJ .. Practise

 Hey Readers,

Today I'm going to share you my story about my Cybersmart learning. Our teacher for Cybersmart is the lovely Miss Morgan, today we  have a new task for Term 4. It is the Summer Learning Journey.

We have to pick one country out of all and get to know the country that we have picked, I have pick Canada because I want to know more about it. So we look at the site about the Canada and watch a video about it. 

Here are some some the information I found in the site:

The name of the capital city is Ottawa.
The population of the capital city is 947,031 million.
In January, the weather in the capital city is usually winter, it is −5.8 (21.6) degrees.

The capital  city is located to the  southern Ontario  (northern, southern, middle) part of the country.
The languages most commonly spoken in the capital city are English and French.

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a fun weekend! Byee!

Monday, 8 October 2018

Friends House

Hello Readers,

Today I am going to share you my story of when on Saturday my friend invite my family to a party. It was before lunch, before we went to their house, we went to the store and buy some chips for the party, after we went to my friend's house and when we got there we play monopoly. When we were playing her Dad said to eat first so we went out and eat barbecue. 

Then our another friend came to the party. Then we eat barbecue with her and play in the trampoline after we eat. The we do some arts and play more games and prank my friend's brother. 

When it was almost night we when to the trampoline and by that time I fell down in the trampoline and bit my tongue very hard so I cried and cried until my friends saw me cry. We went inside to her house and I went to the bathroom and wash my tongue because it was bleeding, but a couple minutes later it didn't really hurt anymore. All of our Dad were singing in the karaoke and we were all having fun, my Dad took some pictures of my little brother and his friend. When it was really dark outside we went home  and went to bed.

Here are some of the pictures.

Thank You for reading this blog post, and have a great school holiday! Bye!

New Books!!

Hey Followers,

Today I'm going to share my new books. I buy new books because it was the last day of Term 3 on 28th of September. Then after school, We went to the store and bought the wimpy kid number 9,11 and 12 because I want to finish the whole series of it. But not just only that, I still got more books because my school holiday is 2 weeks so that won't be enough books so I bought the Thea Stilton and The World's Worst Children 2 book by David Walliams.

Then we buy it for school holidays and now I am on school holiday. Here are some of the picture I got.

Thank You for reading this blog post, Please give me a positive, thoughtful and helpful feedback. And have a great Holiday!!!! Bye!!!