
Friday, 26 October 2018

SLJ...Part 2

Bonjour Readers,

We have another task in Summer Learning Practice. We have to say hello in our country but I chose Canada, but Canada only speak English and french. Today our task is to go to the airport and fly to Canada, before we leave the airport and go to our hotel in the country we are going we have to study how to say some word that some people speak in Canada, when we know how to say some words from our country, we can fly away to Canada and go to the hotel, then we have to imagine how I might feel if I were sanding in the airport in a foreign country. 

I am learning this three phrases.
Thank you ( Salut )
Hello ( Bonjuor )
Do you speak in English? (  Parlez vous anglais? )
Then Miss Morgan told us what would we feel like if we are in our country. Here is the photo.

I have a question to ask to you.

What is your reaction when you are there?

Would you be happy?

What would you do?

Thank You for reading this blog post and have a great day God Bless All.

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