
Thursday, 31 January 2019

Packing up...

Hello Readers,

Today me and my family are packing up our stuff at our home because the owner of our house said that we have to leave the house because the owner's son is going to live in our house so that's why we have to pack up today I have pack my clothes and my stuffs and put it all into boxes, we have already found a new house for my family that is near to my school and my friend's house. 

I don't really want to go to another hose and move out houses because this house has a lot of memories and it was our first house in New Zealand, I am also happy because can get to play with my friend that is near by me!

That's all about it and make sure you have a wonderful day and here is my question for the day : Have you move out to a new house and are you happy or sad to leave your first house?


Friday, 25 January 2019

Day 1, Activity 1 ( Week 4 )

Activity 1: World of Wearable (WOW) Art

If I will interview Dame Suzie Moncrieff I will ask below questions:

  1. How did you start this event about recycling?

  1. What is your favourite art from the entry in this event?

  1. Are you going to continue this event every year?

  1. Do you have other advocacy that you want to promote?

  1. What help do you need from the people, supporters or community for this event?

This is the last week of the Summer Learning Journey Weekly Activities, and the Summer Learning Journey Team will choose some students who did the Weekly activities well and they could win a Chromebook, Headphones, Ipad and a Drone and they will also choose some spotted prizes so wish me luck guys I would be so glad if you guys cheer me up!

And that's about it and I will see you in the next blog peace out!

Day 5, Activity 2 ( Week 2 )

Hello Readers,

Today, I want to share with you for the activities I like most during rainy days.

Here are my activities during Rainy Days!

  1. Baking some cupcakes and cookies
  2. Cooking soup to keep us warm. I like to assist my Mum to cook chicken Macaroni Soup or my favourite porridge
  3. Playing board games with my family like scrabble
  4. Movie Marathon with my little brother
  5. Spending time to do some paintings and art works

Happy Reading!

Day 5, Activity 1 ( Week 3 )

Hi Readers,

Let me tell you about air pollution.

Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants into the air that are dangerous to human health and the planet as a whole. Some of the cause of Air pollution is from natural sources and the human made sources of pollution.
Some of the human made pollution are Smog and Toxic Pollutants.
Smog, is a severe air pollution. It’s from  petrochemicals and also in our vehicles smoke.
Toxic Pollutants are from paint remover or stripper. It affects the human health, it may cause birth defects.

Happy Reading!

Day 4, Activity 3 ( Week 3 )

Hello Readers,

Today, I will share with you my learning about Clouds.

               I thought clouds are made of cotton candy! But after watching the video, I have understanding about the clouds. It’s made of liquid water then go to water evaporation and up to the sky and transform as a clouds.
               For the three pictures, I choose the Picture #2. It looks like a tornado shape! I think it’s a Cirrus Clouds.

Cirrus clouds are the most common of the high clouds. They are composed of ice and are thin, wispy clouds blown in high winds into long streamers. Cirrus clouds are usually white and predict fair to pleasant weather. By watching the movement of cirrus clouds you can tell from which direction weather is approaching.

Happy Reading!

Day 3, Activity 2 ( Week 3 )

Hi Readers,

I will share with you about what I want to be if I have a superpower!

   I wish, I can be a fish that can swim until the bottom of the sea! How cool is that!
Fish can reach the bottom of the oceans, I can see all the sea creatures which I think will be fun.
I can help also to clean the bottom of the sea if I will be a fish.

Happy Reading!

Day 3, Activity 1 ( Week 3 )

Hello Readers,

Today, let me tell you about my favourite bird.

From the Bird of the Year Website, I choose the Hi Hi ( Stitch Bird). I like stitchbird because of its colourful feather and the size is very cute!

Stitchbirds lives at  North Island plus Great Barrier, Little Barrier and Kapiti Islands. They usually lives in a mature forest.

Stitchbirds feed on invertebrates, fruits and nectar.

Happy Reading!

Day 2, Activity 1 ( Week 2 )

Hi Readers,

It’s very interesting to know about Bumblebees. Hope you enjoy it!

Unbelievable Facts about Bumblebees

The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to hum, buzz, drone.
Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of 54 kilometres per hour (km/h).
Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to 90% percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to  50 times as much work as a normal honeybee.
The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the  removal of wildflowers and flowering trees from the landscape, habitat loss, the mechanisation of agriculture and extensive use of pesticides

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!

Day 1, Activity 3 ( Week 3 )

Hi Readers,

Today, I will tell you about Math.

The math problem is, “How long would it take to remove the moulds from the classroom?”
They said that it has 7 different types of moulds and cleaner said that it will take 5 days to clean each mould.
So I am thinking that I can solve this by multiplication.
If have 7 moulds multiply by the number of days to be clean each moulds. It will be like this,

The equation is,7moulds x 5days= 35days
The final answer is 35days.
Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!

Day 1, Activity 2 ( Week 3 )

Hello Readers,

I would like to share with you my special sink.

I will put some of the foods that I am not happy to eat 😊.
Some of it are:

Bell Peppers
Green Beans
Bean Sprouts
Chicken Breast

My special sink will be colourful 😊!

Day 1, Activity 3 ( Week 3 )

Hello Readers,

Here is the record of hottest temperature in each place. I used the google drawing for this graph.

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a wonderful weekend!

Day 1, Activity 1 ( Week 3 )

Hi Readers, 

New Zealand is one of the best tourist destination in the world.

I will suggest with my family in the Philippines to visit New Zealand during winter season. This is because I want them to experience the winter. Philippines is a tropical country so there is no winter season.

Firstly, I will suggest to visit Queenstown. They can do skiing at Coronet peak. I have not experience it yet but I think it will be fun. I only tried skiing at Mt. Hutt!

Secondly, I will tell them to visit the Arthur Pass. From Christchurch it’s better to take a train going to Arthur Pass, a lot of sceneries along the way. I think they will enjoy the view and have some picture taking there.

Lastly, I will recommend to go around Christchurch and experience the Gondola ride. Also tried the tram in the city. They will know the history and view the city of Christchurch.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Day 5, Activity 3 ( Week 2 )

Hello Readers,

How to save the Great Barrier Reef. Fund Raising Activity will be a big help! Here’s my ideas for Fund Raising.

Cup Cake or Cookie Sale, baking a cookies or cupcakes and sell it in school events or some of the malls will help to raise funds. All the proceeds will be collected and donate as a fund to help save the reef.

FAMILY Fun Run, organising a family fun run will help to raise fund by the registrations fees. I think it will be fun for the family as a bonding activity as the same time they can help to save the reef.

Art Project, at school I think kids can do some art projects and can sell it.Maybe it will be a good idea to set up an exhibit for the art work for kids then can sell for interested parents or teachers.Proceeds can help as well. Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!

Day 5, Activity 2 ( Week 2 )

Hello Readers,

For today, I will tell you about dirtiest river in New Zealand.

The Manawatu River is highly polluted. This is largely due to runoff from surrounding dairy farms, but towns on the river's edge also contribute to this pollution with untreated sewage and industrial waste. This river is located at lower North Island of New Zealand.

They create a forum which aims to promote awareness of the rivers significance; restore it to a state of health and ensure the water and surrounding land is used sustainably.

Key actions required to clean up the Manawatu River are:
•    Reduce sediment runoff from erosion, roads and areas of major earthworks
•    Reduce nutrient and bacteria in the river from point source discharges
•    Reduce runoff from intensive land-uses such as dairy farming and horticulture
•    Prevent over-allocation of river water
•    Protect habitats for native birds and fish and enable movement between these areas.
•    Reduce the impacts of flood control and drainage on the natural processes of the river
               Another river is the Waitara River at Taranaki. It was plagued by sewage spill but Green Party launched a clean up campaign for this river. They involved the council at Taranaki and also ask the help of community people.
Please see below link for reference:

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!

Day 5, Activity 1 ( Week 2 )

Hi Readers,

Today, I will share with you about the rules about over fishing. The rule is stop fishing and to fine $100,000 once caught  on that restricted areas.
               For me, this rule is good to protect our environment especially the fishes in the sea or our rivers. It’s good to know that our government is making rules to help protect our place. If the people is using the fish for commercial purpose I think the $100,000 fine is fair enough. But if it’s for personal use like some food to eat I think the fine should be lower. But still need to monitor how many kilograms they will get.

Happy Reading!

Day 4, Activity 3 ( Week 2 )

Hi Readers,

I would like to share with you about the selfies.

               I think the selfie shows for an sport event. A team won and they are taking selfie with their award. And also, taking selfie with their fans and celebrating the win.

               This picture is on the top of the mountain. I guess the man went for a hiking then when he reached the top he took the selfie. I think he took photos to show with his friends how nice and beautiful his location. He might post it also to social media.

               I guess the selfie was taken on top on the building and it is surrounded by water. It’s a tourist attraction on that place. I think that’s the tallest building in that area.

Enjoy your reading!

Day 4, Activity 2 ( Week 2 )

Hello Readers,

Today, I want to tell you about the Rotorua Geothermal Pool. Here’s my suggestions.

Rotorua Hot Spring
Pool Wonderland
Muddy Pool
Slime Mud Pool *

For the four options, I like most the “Slime Mud Pool” because the pool looks like slime  because of it’s colour😊

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Day 4, Activity 1 ( Week 2 )

Hi Readers,

Today, I will share with you my thoughts about Milford Sound.

     I read that Milford Sound has the most spectacular place in New Zealand and it’s listed as eight wonder of the world.
I would love to visit this place with my family.

     Given the change to visit Milford Sound, I will choose by helicopter. I like to see the whole place on top view, I think it will be cool! I can sit and relax in a helicopter while taking photos. It will be good to see the trees, mountains and river on the top. It’s like I am on top of the world!

Thanks for reading!

Day 3, Activity 3 ( Week 2 )

Hello Readers,

Today, I am going to show you some mathematics!

               The math problem is, “How many adults and children to take the giant squid into new room at Te Papa?” It was stated in the story that the weight of the Colossal Squid is 500kg. The average weight that the adult can lift is 25kg and children can lift only 15 kg.

               This is how to solve it. I divide the total weight of the squid to the weight that an adult can lift.

500kg- weight of squid/ 25 kg -adult can lift
The answer is 20 adults.

Please see photo of calculation.

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!

My Little Brother's Birthday!!!

Hello Readers,

Today I am going to tell you about my little brothers birthday and we had invited my friends and his friend to come over at our house.

First we had to clean then at 10 am, we went to my little brother's school to celebrate his birthday and eat some cake after the party we gave out the goodies and the we all went home. When we were home we ate lunch then my brother took a nap while me and my parents prepare the party while my Mum was cooking and my little brother is sleeping me and my Dad went to the store the my some stuffs for the party.

When we are done and my little brother woke up, we took a shower because they were coming,after we took a shower our friends came then we went to play, after a few minutes it was time to sing Happy Birthday to him and after we sing, we had to eat.

After we eat, he open some of the gifts then we play outside, when it was getting darker we do some chocolate fondue then we play and then we put some tattoo all over us.

Then they went home because it was very late and we are very tired so they went home. When they went home we had to clean up then we went to bed.

Here are some of the pictures!!!

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!

Monday, 21 January 2019

Day 3, Activity 2 ( Week 2 )

Hi Reader's,

I would like to share with you my favourite food!

My comfort food is a Filipino dish called "Chicken & Pork Adobo". It makes my tummy happy whenever my Mum cook this dish. It's very delicious!

The ingredients are:

Pork belly
Chicken legs or any part of chicken you want ( for me it's a thigh and legs)
Cup of Soy Sauce
Cup of Vinegar
Brown Sugar
Bay Leaves

 My mum saute first the onion and garlic, then put in the pork and chicken.Once turn brown,put in the pepper, bay leaves and put the soy sauce and vinegar.Cover it then let it simmer until the meat is tender.Then put the brown sugar to balance the saltiness and sour.Then it will be ready to serve with white rice!

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Day 3, Activity 1 ( Week 2 )

Hi Readers,

I would like to share you today about me being a Night Owls!

I consider myself as a Night Owl because I sleep late especially during summer holiday. I like to stay late and watch movie with my family. Eat late snack with them and playing with my brother. Like me, they are night owls as well. We have same interest and it’s our family bonding.

Happy Reading!

Friday, 18 January 2019

Day 2, Activity 3 ( Week 2 )

Hello Readers,

The title of this task is " Stranger Than Fiction ". I chose Corpse flower and Rafflesia Arnoldii to compare.

Here’s some of their similarities,

  • They are both large flowers
  • Both found in Sumatra area
  • They produce unpleasant smell and irritating odour

They also have differences which are the following,
  • They have different height, Corpse flowers usually 3 ft while Rafflesia is around 8.2ft
  • Difference on reproductive area, one is unisexual while the other is define as male or female
  • Corpse flower bloom only in every 40 years while Rafflesia blooms 3-5 days a year

Happy Reading! Here some of the picture.

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a wonderful day!

Day 2, Activity 2 ( Week 2 )

Hi Readers,

My blog today will be about Mighty Mangroves in MY Life!
For me the toughest and strongest person is my Father.
At a young age, he left his homeland to live in a foreign country just to provide for our family. He works hard to save money for us. It’s not easy to be away with your love ones but he endures all the sadness of being away. For me he is very strong and tough. I feel safe whenever I am with him.

But now, we are all together. So I thank him for sacrificing for us and I am very happy that we are now staying together. 

Day 2, Activity 1 ( Week 2 )

Dear Readers,

Today I will share with you the video that I watched about Flax weaving. Hope you enjoy it.
Flax weaving is not easy thing to do. It needs a lot of patience and practice to master doing the weave. I must say that we should be passionate in doing this kind of craft. It very detailed and needs a lot of hard work. It’s a masterpiece and environmental friendly.

Here is a link of the video and it is fun to do it but then it is harder then it looks like but it is just fun to do it!

 I would like to try someday to do this art.

Thanks  for reading!

Day 1, Activity 3 ( Week 2 )

Hello Readers,

Today is Day 1 activity 3 Week 3, the title of this activity is " Something Smelly Fishy... " and we have to answer 5 fish facts weather it's True or False.

Questions and Answers:

Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish. -FALSE

Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids. - TRUE

Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish. - FALSE

Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc) - TRUE

Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’ -TRUE

Here are some of the links from the Facts!

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!

Day 1, Activity 2 ( Week 2 )

Hello Readers,

Great Taupo Cycle Challenge!
       If it was me, I would choose my Dad, Mum and my brother. It’s a family event which is exciting!
Family bonding is always important with me. Yay!
 I choose my Dad because of his agility and endurance. He will contribute a lot in the race.
He is very active and love the sports. He will boost my confidence as well.
     My mum, because of her being organise and very keen with the details.
For sure, we will follow the trail properly. She will make sure that we are on track.

      My brother because he is always supportive with me.
He is very cute and bring laughter and joy during the race. I will not feel tired because he will always there to give us a cheer.

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a wonderful day!

Day 1, Activity 1 ( Week 2 )

Hi Readers,

Today, I am going to tell you about my favourite summer activity.
I am an active kid, I like outdoor activities. That’s why I am very excited during summer season. It means I can stay outside of the house most of the time and have fun.

I usually play basketball, football, biking and soccer  but my favourite summer activity is biking. I love biking with my little brother. I teach him some of the tricks that I enjoy doing with my bike. I teach him at our backyard then we race at the playground near our house. It’s tiring but very fun.    

Here are some of the photos

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!

The Last Activity Of Week 1!!!

Hello Readers,

I would like to share with you about life in New Zealand.
    I can hardly believe that it's been over 10 months since me and my family stepped off the plane in Christchurch New Zealand.

    New Zealand is a very cold place for me since I came from a tropical country. New Zealand is a big farmland which have a lot of sheep’s, cows and horses. The scenery is fantastic, more trees all over the place. New Zealand has more mountains and rivers. During summer, I experienced going to the beach and do BBQ with friends.

 It’s very relaxing because of outdoors activities in this place. More flowers bloom during spring season as well. New Zealand has also gardens and parks. One of those is the Hagley Park. Cherry Blossom is very nice during spring season.

     During winter the mountains are covered by snow and it’s very beautiful. Kids like me can do skiing. I tried it in Mt. Hutt and it’s very fun. Fish and chips is a common food in New Zealand.
    Overall, New Zealand is an awesome place to live. Please see some photos of New Zealand.

Thank you for reading this blog post and have a great day!