
Friday, 18 January 2019

Day 2, Activity 2 ( Week 2 )

Hi Readers,

My blog today will be about Mighty Mangroves in MY Life!
For me the toughest and strongest person is my Father.
At a young age, he left his homeland to live in a foreign country just to provide for our family. He works hard to save money for us. It’s not easy to be away with your love ones but he endures all the sadness of being away. For me he is very strong and tough. I feel safe whenever I am with him.

But now, we are all together. So I thank him for sacrificing for us and I am very happy that we are now staying together. 


  1. Hello Celine,

    It is lovely to see that you've chosen your father as the strongest and toughest person you know. He sounds like a superman who has sacrificed a lot for the family. I probably cannot imagine how much love your parents have for you and your brother. I know what it feels like to be apart from your family and to start a new life at a foreign country. My family has been through the same and I think we've all become stronger as a team!

    I think it would be a great idea to share this post with your dad Celine. Maybe you can read this to him to show your appreciation. I am sure he would love it.

    Thanks for another thoughtful post,

  2. OMG! I didn't know that u blogged something like this for me. It just this week I started to look all your blogs. This blog made me cry here at office, but with full of joy in my heart. This is the best message I received this Valentines Day. Thank you so much Celine for your appreciation. It was the hardest months for all of us during that time. But with God guidance to us, He made us altogether again. And He always make sure that we will always together where ever we go. I will continue to work hard for our family. I want you and your brother finish your education and get the career you all wanted. Me and your Mommy are always here to guide both of you. we dont have much money or fancy things but I'll make sure that we will always eat and sleep together and we will always live happily. Lets continue to pray for Him and He will provide everything we need. I love you so much my Princess Celine. God Bless.


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