
Friday, 26 October 2018

Apple Monster!!!

Hey Readers,

Today I made some Apple Monsters for my family. I had that kind of idea from my chef, chef Andy we did it in his kitchen. 

We had:

Apples, we had to cut it in to four pieces, then cut triangle hole for the mouth.

Peanut Butter, I put the peanut butter in the hole and spread it out with the butter knife.

Strawberry, I cut the strawberry and put it in the middle of the peanut butter and it is a tongue.

Sunflower seeds, I put some sunflower seeds for the teeth of the monster.

Circle Sprinkles, I put the circle colourful sprinkles for the eye of the monster.

Then it was done I made a couple more and when I was done making them I put it on a big plate and decorate the plate and when I'm done decorating, I told my parents to take a photo of it so my Dad took a photo of it. 

Here are some of the photos.😃😃😃

That's it for this blog post and have a great weekend! God Bless All. Bye.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Celine! What a great idea! I have never seen apple monsters before. They look delicious. Were they easy to make? How long did they take to create?

    1. Hello Misses Henson,

      Thank You for commenting on my blog. The mouths are a little dangerous and a little bit hard to cut. Maybe like 20-30 minutes maybe? Would you like to try that too? And have you taste it before?


  3. Kia ora Celine,
    These apple monsters looks very delicious! You have created very clear instructions on how to create these yummy treats. The pictures you have used are also a wonderful way to see the final outcome. How did you make the sprinkle eyes stick onto the apple? Do you think there are other ways you could create some healthy and tasty fruit creatures? This would be an awesome healthy treat to share with your friends and teach them to make.

    1. Hi Mrs Harris,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog. I put a little peanut butter on the top of the apple and stick it on. Yes I could make some more like strawberry ghosts! Would you like to try it? And have you taste it before?

  4. Yuuuuummmmmy Celine!
    This is a fabulous idea and one that would be neat to do for a fun day or marble day. It could be fun to experiment with some other fruit and vegetables. Maybe you could make some pear and mango fish! Is that your little bother in the photo? I'm sure he enjoyed eating these... as I'm sure I would too!
    :) Miss D

    1. Hi Miss D,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog. Yes it would be a great idea for marble day. Yes that is my little brother. Have you taste it before? Have you made it before?


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